Because not all great

  minds think alike...

There is Hope!

Do you have a bright student who learns differently because of ADHD, dyslexia, executive functioning deficits, or processing issues?

At Hope United Academy you’ll find what you’ve been looking for — a Christian microschool that offers an individualized, multisensory approach, and a place where students can thrive today while setting their sights on the unique future God designed for them.

  • Christ-Centered

    Classes are taught from a Christian worldview training students to think biblically and love radically.

  • Multisensory

    Visual, auditory, and tactile/kinesthetic components are used in all lessons.

  • Microschool

    Total school enrollment is limited to 25 with an average student to teacher ratio of 4 to 1.

  • Specialized Teachers

    75% of teachers have master’s degrees. All have training in Orton-Gillingham comprehension strategies.

  • Who Needs HUA

    • ADHD

    • Executive Functioning Deficits

    • Dyslexia (focus solely on comprehension)

    • Twice Exceptional

    • Processing Deficits (visual, auditory)

  • How We Serve

    • Christ-Centered Environment

    • Average 4:1 Student Teacher Ratio

    • Tailored Pace and Format

    • Multisensory Instruction

    • Honors Classes and Dual Enrollment

“Our son attending HUA was the best decision we could have made. His abilities have flourished in the small group setting, he feels loved by his teachers, and his grades have dramatically improved.”

— Parent of HUA high school student